What is the price of a copy of Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program?
The price of Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program varies according to the activity of the establishment whether its version is simplified or complete, industrial, commercial or service.
What is the working environment in which Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program works?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program works on all Windows systems without exception and does not work on the Mac environment
Does Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program work through networks?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program can work through the network and multi-user system with the existence of the system administrator.
Is it possible to import for a specific type of data from the Excel environment?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program serves the process of importing from Excel so that it is possible to import a whole chart of materials or a chart of accounts. It is also possible to import an invoice such as the beginning inventory invoice or entry such as the opening entry as an example, or any data from Excel.
Is there a specific period for the trial version of Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program?
The trial version of Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program is determined by the number of invoices and entries where it is possible to work on them
(300 entries) (50 invoices) (200 items)
Is it possible to create more than one account file within Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program?
It is possible to create more than one account file within Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program so that each file is separate in accounting and warehousing from the rest of the files. And it is possible to add more than one Al-Edari icon on the desktop of each facility.
How can data be saved from loss within Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program?
The company's data can be saved through backup to prevent it from being lost on the hard drive within the
computer or on an external storage device. It can also be uploaded to the storage cloud (Dropbox, Google
Drive, or One Drive).
What are the most important computer requirements that must be provided in order for Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program to work?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program works within the minimum requirements of the computer,
knowing that the better the computer specifications, the better the ability to review warehouses reports and
financial reports.
Does Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program support working in English?
Yes, it is possible to work on Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program in English as is Arabic so
that all financial and statistical reports can be obtained in both languages provided that information is
entered in the language to be displayed.
Does Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program support rounding? and what does it do with the previous accounting file?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program supports the process of rounding in a professional
manner that gives the accountant the possibility to distribute profits and evaluate the end period goods
according to the specific pricing pattern. And generates an opening entry based on the final balance sheet
of the previous financial cycle. And the program creates another accounting file based on the data rounded
so that it shows the accountant two accounting files special for each financial cycle. It is also possible to
collect the quantities at the end of the year with a beginning inventory invoice for easy adjustment if any.
Is it possible to export a specific set of data to Excel, Word, or PDF environments?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program provides the option to export any type of data. And any
type of data can be exported within a specified period of two dates
Does Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program supports touch screens so it can be work with one?
Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program works on touch screens and in the field of restaurants
and to deal with tables as in the field of sales points for fast food and supermarket, which facilitates and
speeds up the mechanism of work on them
Is it possible to set specific prices for each customer?
Yes, specific prices can be set for each item and for each customer. A specific discount rate can be allocated
to each customer so that all the invoices for this customer are deducted according to the discount rate set
for him.
Is it possible to get a report that reflects daily profits?
A report showing the value of daily profits can be obtained within a percentage based on the comparison
between the selling price and the cost price of the goods sold
Is it possible to determine a special pricing pattern for each generated invoice through the program?
Yes, any special price pattern for each invoice can be specified as the price of sale, purchase, half the
wholesale, or wholesale, so that the invoice registration process is easy within the program
Does Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program support the ability to generate invoices in cash, on credit, or in installments?
Yes, Al-Edari program provides the possibility to set up and generate invoices in cash, credit, or installments
(the billing system) for a specific customer or supplier depending on the type of invoice.
Is there an educational file on Al-Edari for accounting and warehousing program?
There is an educational book attached with the copy of the program, is also available within the site an
educational page for the program. And on the Facebook page and Youtube channel there are educational
videos and professional series can be reviewed.